Harvest Hunt

29 Oct 2020, 6:30pm–8:30pm PDT

Believers Fellowship, 4112 Hunt St NW, Gig Harbor, WA, USA Map

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We are excited to announce this year's BFSM Middle School Harvest Hunt! This team selfie scavenger hunt is sure to be a ton of fun. Please do NOT sign up individual students, we cannot be responsible to drive or put your student on a team due to COVID. You will want to make sure you have a Driver (person's info you enter when signing up your team and a copilot. The copilot will need to download the app GooseChase on their phone. This is how you will join the scavenger hunt, get your list of items, submit your photos and it will keep track of your points and show you other team's progress. Here's everything you need to know:

  1. Organize your team members made up of family members, your students friends, or both.
  2. Decide on a team name for the game.
  3. Register your team using the drivers information.
  4. Have the copilot download the app "GooseChase" prior to arriving.
  5. Show up with your team ready to "hunt" at Believers Fellowship on Thurs. Oct 29th at 6:30pm.
  6. You will "drive thru" to pick up your instructions, goodies and scavenger list (please stay in your cars!).
  7. Find as many items on the list as you can and take a selfie photo of your team with each item.
  8. Submit your photos thru the app, it will only allow you to make submissions until 8:30pm.

There will be a prize for the 1st, 2nd and 3rd place teams. Winners will be announced on Monday, November 2nd at youth group.

Please drive responsibly, wear seatbelts, be safe in parking lots, work as a team, make memories and eat lots of sugar (to be provided)!

We love your families and are thankful to have you as a part of the BFSM Middle School Ministry. We are glad to be able to put together a creative alternative to our traditional Great Pumpkin Chase. We hope you have a blast with your students!

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Bookings for this event have now closed.